King Edward Memorial Park

ETC Sports Surfaces have recently completed a new project for King Edward Memorial park. The works involved the resurfacing of existing Tennis Courts with a “New” Porous Asphalt Surface along with Sports Equipment & Associated Works. The tennis court construction services works started on the 23rd of January and was completed by the 23rd of February 2018.

The courts are in the heart of London and are used by many residents or people passing through London. Tower Hamlets Tennis is a social enterprise who own the courts. They aim to provide accessible, affordable and enjoyable tennis to anyone wanting to hit a ball with a racquet, so a good Tennis Court Design is essential.

Most tennis courts require no more than one surface clean per year, although if your court is sheltered by trees then you may require two visits. ETC Sports Surfaces carry out a free site survey and consultation to ensure you have the most appropriate tennis court maintenance services programme for your facility’s requirements. Having the right tennis court maintenance plan set in stone is very important, it helps the life span of your existing court last longer and save your future costs.

Tower Hamlets Tennis have sponsors in tow to help lower the costs of tennis playing for the court users, so tennis is key in their hearts, and providing outstanding services is key in ETC Sports Surfaces hearts. To find out what we can do for you follow one of the links listed below. Look at all the tennis court surfaces that ETC Sports offers, as well as the other sports surfaces that they do, such as All-Weather surfaces.

Related Links: (Sports and Play Construction Association)
